Co-parenting can be challenging, especially when conflict between the parents overshadow the wellbeing of the children who often get caught in the middle. Even parents in a close and loving relationship often wish there was “a manual” to help them parent.

Recognising the need to restore focus on the child and promote positive change, Cafcass (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) has developed the Positive Co-Parenting Programme. This 12-week initiative offers structured sessions for parents involved in family proceedings. By improving communication and encouraging empathy, the programme aims to help parents overcome their conflicts, allowing them to prioritise their children’s best interests.

Understanding the programme

The Positive Co-Parenting Programme, administered by Cafcass, is a comprehensive intervention designed to assist families navigating legal proceedings. The programme’s primary objective is to help parents recognise and address the negative impact of their conflict on their children. Through a series of 12 structured sessions, parents are guided to enhance communication, restore empathy, and develop a child-centric approach to co-parenting. Each parent will attend a separate course so the do not attend with their coparent.

Encouraging positive change

The programme fosters positive change by providing parents with the necessary tools and strategies to navigate the complexities of co-parenting. It empowers parents to step into their children’s shoes, gaining a deeper understanding of the emotional and psychological impact their conflicts can have on their well-being. By fostering empathy and perspective-taking, parents can change their behaviours and make more informed decisions that prioritise the needs and best interests of their children.

What can I expect from the sessions?

The 12-week programme consists of structured sessions facilitated by trained professionals who specialise in family dynamics and conflict resolution. These practitioners, identified as Family Court Advisors (FCAs), guide parents through various topics, including effective communication techniques, managing conflict, and understanding the developmental needs of children. The programme utilises evidence-based practices and restorative principles to foster healthy co-parenting relationships.

Restorative practice principles

Restorative practice principles lie at the heart of the Positive Co-Parenting Programme. By encouraging accountability, empathy, and dialogue, these principles help parents understand the impact of their actions on their children and create opportunities for healing and reconciliation. This approach emphasizes the importance of repairing relationships and rebuilding trust to create a supportive co-parenting environment where children can thrive.

Identifying suitable cases

Cafcass plays a crucial role in identifying cases that would benefit from the Positive Co-Parenting Programme. Through careful assessment, experienced professionals determine which families would benefit most from the programme’s intervention. The selection process involves reviewing the dynamics of the case and the parents’ willingness to engage in the programme. Once identified, the case is presented to the judge for consideration, and if agreed upon, the family is allocated to an FCA trained in delivering the programme.

National availability

The Positive Co-Parenting Programme is available nationwide, ensuring accessibility to families across the country. This broad reach allows Cafcass to provide much-needed support and resources to a wide range of families involved in family proceedings.

The Cafcass Positive Co-Parenting 12-Week Programme stands as a beacon of hope for families embroiled in conflict during separation or divorce. By addressing the underlying issues that hinder healthy co-parenting, the programme empowers parents to put the best interests of their children first. The programme is a testament to the commitment of Cafcass in promoting positive co-parenting and nurturing healthy family relationships during challenging times.

How Blaser Mills Law can help

Blaser Mills Law have solicitors who have extensive experience in resolving disputes between parents whether through mediation, solicitor correspondence or court proceedings.

Their priority is to work with you to identify what is in your child’s best interest and help you put in place arrangements that work for them. They can share with you tool that help communication and have Lucinda Holliday on the team who is a qualified Child Inclusive Mediator who can work with your children to enable their vice to be heard as well. Get in touch with Lucinda on 01494 478603 or email